SGA debates tonight
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Broadcast on UVC-TV, the event will begin at 7:00 p.m. and feature questions from both campus media outlets (like the Massachusetts Daily Collegian) and from a panel of students. Candidates for both positions will be given a chance to field questions regarding their platforms, stances on campus issues, and showcase their experience in the field of student governance.
Expect some friction between the two main contenders for the top positions, current Secretary of Diversity Malcolm Chu and Vice President of the Republican Club Derek Khanna. Secretary of External Affairs Lindsay McCluskey and Senator Elizabeth Protzman are both running for Student Trustee.
Chu and McCluskey have both been endorsed by the ALANA Caucus as well as former candidate and current Senate Speaker Carla Dominguez.
Senator Devin Ashe and SGA Auditor Peter Kuusisto are both also running for SGA President, while Augusta Mfuko is also running for Student Trustee.
Burst pipe floods FAC
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

These photographs - capturing the scene after a waterpipe in the Fine Arts Center burst and flooded a portion of the building - come from UMass student and music major Katelyn Haggerty.
Haggerty was one of several students scrambling to remove their possessions from storage in the waterlogged FAC last Saturday. She managed to save both her instruments and her music from the sudden deluge, but criticized the University for the conditions inside the FAC both before and after the incident.
"All of the people that practice in FAC are really upset. There was a meeting at the beginning of the semester about how the ceiling tiles were ripped off, revealing the old piping, which had bags just "in case there were to be a leak". We were told it wouldn't happen. The FAC is a really old and gross building anyway and us music majors rehearse in it everyday. We had had to clean out our lockers before winter break anyway because we were told there was asbestos in the practice rooms, and that they had needed toclean it out," Haggerty wrote in an e-mail to the news section of the Daily Collegian.
According to Patrick Callahan, a spokesman for the University, the pipe - located in the ceiling above room 157 in the FAC - burst at about 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 23.
The joint compound holding the sheetrock to the ceiling contained a miniscule amount of asbestos prompting University officials to take the necessary precautions, Callahan said earlier this afternoon. Containing less than 1 percent asbestos, the compound posed no risk to either students or University employees, according to Callahan.
"It's not really enough to cause any problems and enough to report it," Callahan said. "
Anytime there's any chance of that they put those signs up. It's because we report it all. We're required to report it all."
The University contacted the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and reported the possible asbestos contamination to state officials following the flood, according to Callahan.
"Every time something like that happens, you're going to see the little tape and the little signs go up," Callahan said.
He described the University's response as "hyper-careful."
Republican Club "victory"
Monday, February 25, 2008
Do students feel safe at UMass?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Alumna Katherine Ross '03 was embarrassed by the violence and urged UMass students to clean up their act in a letter she wrote to the Boston Globe. And dozens of people have shared their thoughts at this discussion board.
But some current students don't think the incidents are representative of the university climate.
Senior Dhara Marek, a resident assistant in Kennedy dorm in Southwest, says the violence is not representative of UMass.
"From my personal experience, I’ve never felt scared. I’ve walked around campus at midnight before," she said. "I would say UMass is a safe campus and that security and police do a good job of making students feel comfortable."
However, incidents like this make her "a little nervous."
"These incidents happening together in a very close time is definitely scary," she said.
Freshman Yair Schatz, who lives in Van Meter dorm in Central residential area, says he's not worried.
“I don’t feel unsafe on campus. Generally UMass is very safe," he said. "I think the incidents have been chance occurrences. I hope that it won’t happen again.”
Senior Eric Lamy, who lived in Southwest for two years, said he felt safe when he lived on campus.
“I never felt unsafe," he said. "That’s true whether I was at parties in Southwest or whether I was walking at two in the morning to my car and back.”
Violence at a large school, he says, is inevitable, but hardly representative.
“I think what’s happening recently is that it’s coming to the public consciousness a lot more," he said. "The fact that there were multiple instances in such a short period of time made it seem as though this is the general state on campus, rather than the exception to what is otherwise a pretty safe atmosphere.”
Does he feel safe now?
"Yeah, absolutely."
Most students may feel safe, but do the violent incidents reflect poorly on UMass?
Freshman Elizabeth Maynard doesn’t think the recent spate of violence is an accurate reflection of the university, but she thinks some students might think twice about coming here.
"If kids are coming here on tours and it [violence] is always on the front page of the Collegian that lacrosse players are arrested, that wouldn’t make me want to come here," she said.
Although Lamy thinks the incidents “reflect poorly on the school,” he doubts there has been any change in the number of people who plan to attend.
“I don’t think that because we were written down as being this violent campus that people suddenly stopped applying to UMass," he said. “[Violence] is on an individual basis – it has nothing to do with the culture of the school.”
But freshman Matt Stranberg is worried about what his degree will be worth. He thinks the incidents reflect "pretty badly" on UMass.
"This is just a blow to the reputation that we’ve worked so hard to improve over the years,” he said.
“Even if people view it as a high standard of education, the violence gives off a notion that it’s unorganized and poorly run, so the violence illegitimates its prestige among other universities.”
It's important to prevent more violence, students say, but Lamy said that increased police presence is not the answer.
“There’s a lot that’s hard to prevent in the first place without severely limiting other people’s freedoms,” he said.
“We could be out there spending all of the campus police’s time trying to pat down everyone who goes into a dorm room, or trying to install metal detectors,” he said. “But just trying to make it appear more safe is not going to do enough, in my estimation, to stop anyone who has the mind to commit a violent act.”
Tony Udell, a STPEC major who lives off-campus, says perhaps more public forums, like the one held last week by the Student Government Association and the Office of ALANA Affairs, will help.
“It’s better that you overanalyze the incidents than not,” he said. “Clearly there is a coarsening trend that we’ll have to come to grips with at some point… Maybe more public forums are the answer.”
What do you think? Leave a comment and let us know.
UMass Campus violence goes national
Friday, February 22, 2008

Republican Club faces off against hecklers, protestors
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Club members spoke to a crowd of varying sizes on a range of issues, from free speech and pornography, to the Iraq War and the morality of the nation. Speakers included Club President Brad DeFlumeri, Ed Cutting, and Joe Saracco.
Though at times the assembled crowd of students, faculty, administrators and news media numbered between 100 and 150, many came out to heckle the speakers. At times, DeFlumeri had condoms hurled at him where he stood on the front steps of the Student Union. Members of the Radical Student Union and the Student Government Association handed out photocopied pictures of DeFlumeri in a costume that depicted a naked woman and a doctor reportedly taken from
From inside the Student Union, University police officers looked on, but did not take a visible presence throughout the event.
The rally ended shortly before 1:00 p.m. today. For continued coverage, check today's and tomorrow's Daily Collegian.
University calls on RSU to pull flyers down
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Dominguez and Morgan announce candidacy

All You Need is Love...
“Where’s Love 101” an event discussing conflict in loving relationships, has been rescheduled for tonight at 6 p.m. in room 168 of the
The event is sponsored by University Health Services, the Women of Color Leadership Network, the Everywoman's Center, the Stonewall Center, Student Legal Services and the Graduate Women's Network at UMass will host “Where's Love 101: Managing Conflict in Loving Relationships.”
“My general impression is that most of us learn about relationships from the role models in our lives and also from the media,” said Marianne Winters, the director of the Everywoman’s Center. “And we learn the myths, like living happily ever after, but there's very little that teaches us how to live and operate in a relationship."
The event will be a discussion led by panelists, real-life couples and those who work with relationship conflict from the community. In addition, the event will open with a presentation from “Body Politics 2007,” a production created by WOCLN.
Panelists will include: executive director of Safe Passage in Northampton, La Wanza Lett-Brewington and director of the Men’s Resource Center at Capitol Community College in Hartford, CT, Dwayne Brewington; University of Massachusetts history professor Joyce Berkman and her husband Leonard Berkman; educator and director of a program for those with traumatic brain injuries, Jodie Shapiro, and her partner, a teacher and dental hygienist Joanne Gold; and therapist Linda Scott from Mental Health Services.
Refreshments and door prizes will be provided.
O'Reilly Watch

Neighborhood candidate for political office Ed O'Reilly - running for U.S. Senate against John Kerry - has moved on the signature phase of his campaign. He's currently in pursuit of 10,000 signatures from unenrolled independent voters and registered democrats, according to a statement released to the Massachusetts Daily Collegian.
O'Reilly needs the signatures by May 6 to end up on the September primary.
Stay tuned to the Daily Collegian for more O'Reilly updates.
Republican Club denounces campus 'pornography'
Monday, February 18, 2008
The point of contention, according to Club President Brad DeFlumeri, is a poster on display in the window of the Radical Student Union office on the second floor of the Student Union.
The poster - which depicts two men engaging in sexual relations with one another - has drawn the ire of the UMass Republican Club and the Conservative Women's Caucus, according to a release from club officials.
DeFlumeri called the poster "an obnoxiously grotesque display of public indecency on taxpayer property."
Keep your eye on the Massachusetts Daily Collegian for more coverage throughout the week.
Mass-ive turnaround must happen now
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Jeremy Rice
When there's a month left in the regular season and every game has a playoff feel to it, you're either fighting for the top spot in the playoffs or the last spot in the playoffs.
At the beginning of the 2007-08 season, one easily could have imagined the Massachusetts hockey team
Your night SGA fix
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Here's the exact language:
Whereas on November 15th and 16th 2007, the students of the University of Massachusetts went on a general student strike, and;
Whereas as a result of the strike the General Student Assembly was formed; and,
Whereas, the General Assembly elected ten students, known as the Negotiating team; and,
Whereas the administration of the University felt compelled to meet with the ten negotiators; and,
Whereas the Student and Academic Affairs committee works to promote student rights through the support of actions that are for the greater good of the student body; and,
Wheras [sic] the administration has until February 29th, 2008 to submit a final proposal in response to the four demands that were issued by the students who participated in the strike; therefore,
Be It Resolved that the Undergraduate Studetn Senate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst extends their support and gratitude to the ten student leaders; and,
Be It Further Resolved the student negotiators will continue to put forth their greatest efforts to ensure that all four demands of the strike are met.
The motion passed without debate.
Boots on the ground reporting

According to the University of Massachusetts senior, her Dean's Book class spent the day debating as to whether or not you can kayak in three inches of water.
Campus flood warning in effect
Here's the actual advisory pulled from the National Weather Service Web site:
The NWS has posted issued a warning for commuters today, advising them to avoid hilly areas and seek alternate routes:
While campus might have resumed the normal workday routine following a short delay in opening this morning, student's aren't happy having to trudge through up to 3 inches of rain, slush and ice on their way to classes.
Meredith Borg wrote in to let the Daily Collegian know her feelings:
"I really hope someone at the paper is going to write something about how students walked to classes in this terrible weather and that the university should have cancelled classes today. I walked from Washington to Bartlett having my pants become completely soaked up to my knees in freezing cold water and snow going up my leg, just to be there for less than 10 minutes. Please I really hope that who ever is in charge of closings gets the chance to read what having classes today put the students, the ones who didn’t have rainboots, through."
Let us know if you went to class today and keep us posted on campus conditions by either emailing us or commenting below.
Are you Real enough?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Student Ballroom was full of students groping blindly towards a chance at eternal Cable stardom, yet things went smashingly compared to MTV's last trip here on campus.
Nearly four years ago, the casting call was held in Room 101 of the Campus Center. As hundreds of students waited in a line stretching all the way up the stairs and escalators and down the concorse, a flash flood unleashed a one-foot wall of water straight through the crowd. This time, there was no such watery fun, just the quiet murmur of expectations being crushed. Maybe American Idol will show up next.
The new and improved Daily Collegian online
Monday, February 11, 2008
Got feedback? Sound off and let us know by commenting below.
Vanishing act
Taken off Haggerty's page is his picture, comments from coach Greg Cannella and personal information.
On Marcus's page, the photo was removed, as was his personal information and comments from coach Cannella.
However, the Massachusetts Daily Collegian has the removed bit of information from Haggerty's profile...
Name: Christian M. Haggerty
Year: Sophomore
Position: Attack/midfielder
Height: 5-foot-9
Weight: 200 pounds
Hometown: West Nyack, N.Y.
High school: Clarkstown South H.S.
Coach Cannella on Haggerty: A very strong freshman ... squats 420 pounds, the most on the team ... a quiet personality, who is building his confidence ... solid all-around player ... veey good around the cage ... has good hands and knows how to finish the ball well.
Before UMass: A 2006 graduate of Clarkstown South High School where he played all 4 years on varsity helping his team to a county championship in his sophomore year ... 1st team all-county, all-section his sophomore through senior year.
Personal: Christian McDaniels Haggerty ... son of Anthony and Kim Haggerty ... has two brothers, Luke (15) and Matthew (10) ... born May 6, 1988 in New York City, N.Y. ... intends to major in Hospitality and Tourism Management.
Posted by Eli Rosenswaike
Collegian mailbag part deux
"To the Campus Community:
We write to enlist your help. Over the past eight days, administrators and safety personnel have been confronted with a series of incidents marked by such incivility and violence as to threaten our existence as a community defined by intellectual exploration, high regard for each other, and the freedom to move about without fear of being hurt.
Following an off-campus incident in the early morning of February 1, officials of the men's lacrosse team found cause to suspend eight of its players for a violation of team rules. Violence has been indicated in this charge that is still being investigated.
On Saturday, February 2, a charge of sexual assault in a residence hall was brought forward by one of our students against another.
On February 2, in a separate case, one of our residential students was charged with assault by another of our students.
Then, on February 3, three men were injured in the lobby of one of our residence halls, with two suffering stab wounds. As a result of this incident, a UMass student was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and two counts of armed assault with intent to rob or murder. The other two men involved in this incident are not members of the campus community. However, in an investigation that is ongoing, one has been charged with civil rights violations with injury, assault and battery to intimidate with bodily injury, and disorderly conduct.
These cases are being deliberated on campus, through our code of student conduct procedures; and they are also being addressed in the criminal courts. Consequently, we are under some restraint as to what more we can say about them, except to inform you that we have every confidence that members of our staff charged with such responsibilities have acted appropriately and will continue to conduct their investigations as professionally and honorably as befits our community.
We also want to assure you that, even though our campus is generally safe and will certainly get past these few violent incidents, we believe that one single act of violence is too many, and we will continue our efforts to ensure that all such behavior is discouraged. In that regard, we ask that we stand together to make this campus the safe, free environment that it should be.
Sincerely, Thomas W. Cole, Jr.
Esther Terry
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life"
Strike negotiations push forward
Sunday, February 10, 2008
While negotiations with members of the administration are set to continue until Feb. 22, students will be able to vote on an actual proposal from the administration to the Student Government Assocation during elections from March 6-7.
A rough draft of an agreement between student leaders and the administration is expected to be presented to a general assembly of the student body between Feb. 22 and March 1.
Student Senate Speaker Carla Dominguez criticized the University's current draft proposal in an interview with Massachusetts Daily Collegian correspondent Mike Fox last week.
"The administrations proposal is still missing a lot of points such as the issues put forth by the Graduate Student Senate," Dominguez said. "Currently, there are no plans to fund graduate student diversity and we need to support the other groups involved with the strike."
According to student leaders, more action - including another class boycott - could be in the works.
For an update on negotiations, Click Here for the notes taken during the meetings.
The Massachusetts Daily Collegian is interested in hearing what you thought of the strike. Was it a success? Did it fail? What could have been done better?
Let us know and join the debate.
Second lacrosse player taken into custody
Friday, February 8, 2008
Marcus - the second member of the University of Massachusetts lacrosse team police have taken into custody in the past two days - has been charged with breaking and entering at nighttime and assault and battery resulting in serious bodily injury.
According to police reports, Marcus' arrest came after a week-long investigation of the incident at 304 North Pleasant St.
Marcus, a freshman, and seven other members of the men's lacrosse team were suspended indefinitely last week for violating team rules during an off-campus incident.
Police placed teammate Christian Haggerty under arrest yesterday, charging the sophomore UMass student with one count breaking and entering and two counts assault and battery.
Marcus - arrested in the Thoreau dormitory at 3:30 p.m. this afternoon - is being held in lieu of a $1,000 bail.
He is expected to be arraigned in the Eastern Hampshire District Court on Feb. 11.
UPDATED Lacrosse player arrested
Haggerty has been suspended indefintely from the University of Massachusetts lacrosse team following a violation of team rules in connection with the off-campus brawl that left three college-aged individuals hospitalized for non-life-threatening injuries.
Haggerty's arrest has garnered national media attention today, from's front page to the Boston Herald.
For in-depth local and campus reporting on the arrest, Click Here
UMass lacrosse player arrested
Thursday, February 7, 2008
One of eight lacrosse players suspended after violating team rules in an unspecified off-campus incident last week, Haggarty was charged with one count of nighttime breaking and entering to commit a felony and two counts of assault and battery.
According to police his arrest came after a week-long investigation of the incident that sent three college-aged men to Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton with non-life threatening injuries. A dozen men allegedly entered an apartment at 304 North Pleasant and assaulted “a number of people” with lacrosse sticks and bottles, according to police reports.
The investigation is ongoing and more arrests may be made, police said.
Haggerty will be arraigned on Feb. 8 at the Eastern Hampshire District Court.
Romney watch
Romney had suffered a string of heavy losses to rival candidates John McCain and Mike Huckabee during Super Tuesday's series of coast-to-coast primaries.
According to the Associated Press, McCain has now "effectively sealed the republican nomination."
Any thoughts on a possible VP for McCain?
Collegian Mailbag: The Republican Club
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Email from President Brad DeFlumeri to Vice President Derek Khanna:
In light of recent events which which reveal you to be operating on your own agenda and following assertions by members that your actions are"border treasonous," I strongly urge you to immediately resign your position as vice-president of the UMass Republican Club. Jon Tabb or Joe Saracco are clearly more capable of effectively serving in this position.
Furthermore, given your backhanded efforts to undermine my leadership while covertly working with other organizations, I do not feel as though your assisting me as VP is tenable any longer. You need to resign.
I am sure that Brian Gwordz would be more than happy to give you a title with MACR.
Tell him I give you my highest recommendation."
Email from DeFlumeri to the Republican Club:
I am calling an emergency meeting of the UMass Republican Club for 6pm Tuesday
night, February 5th. At this meeting, I will move to impeach from office Vice
President Derek Khanna. Rachel F has indicated that she will second this motion.
In our view, Derek Khanna's recent actions are impeachable under Article VIII,
Section 1 of our Constitution which states, "An officer may be impeached from
the office in the light of credible evidence of neglect, misuse, or abuse of
position; or other provisions explicitly stated in this document." I submit that
Derek Khanna has neglected, misused, and abused his position as Vice President
of the UMRC for personal gain. I will further elaborate on this Tuesday night.
Per Article VIII, Section 2 of our Constitution, it takes a 2/3 majority to
impeach a standing officer.
Everyone who is receiving this (minus ex-officio members Duffy and Cutting) is
recognized as an active member. Anyone who is not receiving this is not
recognized as an active member, and therefore cannot vote. I will only vote in
the event of a tie. That potentially leaves 13 voting members if everyone is
able to show up. A 2/3 majority is equivalent to .67, and anything less than
that does not represent a majority.
Feel free to respond to me directly with questions or concerns.
Our kickoff meeting will occur at 7pm as scheduled.
Brad DeFlumeri
President, UMass Republican Club"
For our coverage of the impeachment, Click Here
No new info on growing lacrosse story
The Springfield Republican is reporting that while the University has not connecting the incident - in which lacrosse sticks and bottles were used as weapons - with the indefinite suspension of eight UMass lacrosse players on Friday, they are waiting for more of the details surrounding the beatings to emerge from the police.
Though the Associated Press has picked up on the story, little more has been discovered since the incident occurred late last week.
Police have so far not made any arrests in the incident and the Athletic department has not yet commented on the circumstances surrounding the suspension of the student athletes.
For our take on the growing controversy, click here.
Super Bowl Sunday's UMass arrest log
Monday, February 4, 2008
Fay, Jerome Lawrence
DOB: 04/04/1988
Disorderly Conduct
UMass Student
Davis, Sarah Elizabeth
DOB: 07/02/1989
Disorderly Conduct; Resisting a Police Officer making a lawful arrest
UMass Student
Elliot, William Charles
DOB: 07/25/1987
Disorderly Conduct; Resisting a Police Officer making a lawful arrest; Possession of Class D (Marijuana) Drug
Salem State College Student
Govani, Erik
DOB: 06/20/1988
Disorderly Conduct
UMass Student
Divine, John Cummings
DOB: 10/23/1988
Disorderly Conduct; Resisting a Police Officer making a lawful arrest
UMass Student
Kuntz, Brendan
DOB: 11/28/1987
Disorderly Conduct
UMass Student
Walters, Andrew I.
DOB: 11/16/1987
Disorderly Conduct; Resisting a Police Officer making a lawful arrest
UMass Student
Cerulo, Grant A.
DOB: 06/02/1986
Disorderly Conduct; A&B on Police Officer; Resisting a Police Officer making a lawful arrest
UMass Student
Off-campus incident leaves three in hospital
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Amherst police responded to reports of a "large-scale disturbance" at a 304 N. Pleasant St. apartment on Friday. Following a subsequent investigation, police determined that approximately a dozen "young men" forcibly entered the apartment.
According to police reports, the suspects struck the three victims with lacrosse sticks and bottles, resulting in contusions and lacerations.
The incident allegedly occurred in retaliation for an earlier disagreement.
Police have not determined if the suspects belong to an athletic team or club and are urging anyone with information regarding the incident to call (413) 259-3000.
No arrests have yet been made.
Eight UMass lacrosse players suspended indefinitely
Here's the roster:
Freshman Chris Casey (Duxbury, Mass.), junior Jim Connolly (North Andover, Mass.), sophomore Chris Haggerty (West Nyack, N.Y.), redshirt sophomore Jordan Hendry (Englewood, Colo.), junior Justin Kelleher (Brewster, N.Y.), freshman Jay Lucas (Bedford Hills, N.Y.), freshman Ryan Marcus (South Hadley, Mass.), and freshman Alex Whitney (North Hampton, N.H.) have been suspended from the team.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself
Friday, February 1, 2008
To view the program, click here, and then click on the link for "Younger Drivers." You will get the pleasure of driving the simulator's Saturn sedan on a virtual course right on your computer, which is clearly more fun than driving an actual Saturn.
The team putting the program together was headed by Donald Fisher, director of the Human Performance Lab and a professor in the engineering department. The "Risk Awareness and Perception Training Program," as it's officially called, was created using analysis of police crash reports. Data has suggested that young drivers tend to lack the basic skills needed to avoid crashes, especially the knowledge of where to look for possible dangers. Check out this program and you'll most likely end up saving yourself some money on your car insurance premiums...Maybe even more than you would have saved by switching to GEICO.